Monday, January 27, 2025

1-27-25 It's An Author's Life

Here it is Monday, and my son and youngest granddaughter have felt it only fair that they share their cold/flu with me. When I went to bed last night I started coughing, now I have chills, am sleepy, and have a slight headache. So off to the store I went to replenish my OTC meds because I gave what I had to them. I’ll be missing my monthly book club, Chapter Chat, tonight and possibly the CAAC meeting tomorrow depending on how I feel. Now on to more cheerful things!

I actually made it to church yesterday. I love my little church and lately there seems to be more and more people filling the pews. This warms my heart as the church has gained two families this year so far. One of them (middle school age) is going to be baptized next week. So excited for Jordan!

Not much writing was done this past week due to the fact that Jackie and Shadow (the Bald Eagles living in Big Bear Valley) were getting ready to start their family this year. Jackie laid egg #1 on the 22nd around 7pm (central) and then #2 on the 25th around the same time. The FOBBV organization has two live cameras on YouTube: one on the nest, and one of the trees where this pair are known to mate. Watching the nest this time of year is my Zen.

So, I did a thing! I’ve stepped outside my comfort writing box and signed up to do a Friday the 13th story with a group of 12 other authors. The repeated theme for each story on every Friday the 13th is the following: must have a murder or dead body found on Friday the 13th, villain or victim must have 13 letters in their name, story must have 13 chapters and a total of 13,000 words, a broken mirror must be somewhere in the story, and the story has to be creepy. Now, the reason this is outside my box is because NONE of my published books have just 13 chapters; there are at least 14 chapters not counting a prologue or epilogue. And also, that this is a horror/creepy type of story, which I normally don’t write on purpose. So, a few ideas have popped into my head and will see how they progress. Mark your calendar for June 13 and the release of this year’s one and only Friday the 13th collection of stories.

I think that’s all I have and I’m off to take some medicine.

I pray you and your family are healthy and have dodged the illness that is affecting so many. Schools are suffering with so many teachers out as well as students.

I can never thank you enough for continuing to read these snippets into my life as an author. I hope I haven’t bored you too much with them. 😊 After all, other’s lives are never as glamorous as we may think.

May your Kindle or bookshelf overflow with great books to read!


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